Amelia Kirkland | Friend, Health Enthusiast & Foodie 

I can't remember how I met Amelia or how long ago...but let just say it's been a very long time. I love her enthusiasm for everything she takes on. From doing Ironman's, to searching out the best healthy food in every place she visits or finding the best craft beer a place has to offer. In Amelia's professional life, she is the assistant director of the laboratory at First Health of the Carolinas. In her off time she can be found at our favorite pilates studio, Mind Your Body,  or cooking up some wicked healthy foods from local farmers markets. Amelia's style is classic with a twist. She loves and wears our designers so well. We caught up with her and asked a few of our favorite on to find out a little more about one of our favorite women...


Wine or Beer? Either, depending on food

Who do you admire most? Probably my husband. He’s true blue.

Favorite quote? The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance; the wise man grows it under his feet.

What is your favorite piece of clothing at the moment? Of all time? Currently,  Laura Siegel top from Patricia! Of all time, Emerson Fry black column dress also from Patricia.

Coffee order? Black…hot

What do you want to be when you grow up? A Pilates and yoga instructor with a ‘clean eating’ restaurant….or a UPS driver

3 items always in your bag? Random receipts, lipstick, a pen

Your biggest phobiaNot measuring up

What would you never wear? Can’t think of anything

Favorite cocktail? Bloody Mary

Guilty pleasure? Jimmy Choos

If you had a superpower what would it be? To think nice things about everyone I encounter

Best compliment you’ve ever received? I admire you

What is your spirit animal? I don’t have a spirit animal; I have a spirit car; it’s a Honda Civic. It’s cute but not flashy, reliable, sporty and efficient.

Check out Amelia on Instagram @kirkaw0829 be will be inspired, hungry and want to snuggle with her sweet dog!

top photo: @rachelgarrisonphotography

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