Katrina Denza | Author. Glamour Girl. Kind Soul.

It's hard to describe what it is about Katrina...her kind quiet way, the ability to look oh-so glamorous at all times, the fact that she knows what she loves and doesn't hold back? There are so many things we love about her and so happy to call her part of our #tribe.
I am inspired and love all the women we feature on our journal. As always, we ask these women a few of our favorite questions.
Read on for some fun insight into this Women We Love.


Wine or Beer? Wine.

Who do you admire most? The women who’ve suffered unimaginable adversity, tragedy or injustice and face each day with hope and faith and determination to make their lives and the world better.

Favorite quote? “Write hard and clear about what hurts.” ~Ernest Hemingway

What is your favorite piece of clothing at the moment? A bright green dress because I’ve always been told I can’t wear green and doing so feels like a rebellion. Plus, it has ruffles. Of all time? A yellow sundress I wore when I was five. It had butterflies appliqued all over it.  

What do you want to be when you grow up? I think I’m nearly there: a woman who doesn’t care what other people think of her.

3 items always in your bag? Phone, pen, lipstick.

Your biggest phobia: heights

What would you never wear? That eighties polka-dot jumpsuit that made me look like I was part of a circus act. Never again. 

Horoscopes: Yes, but only with tongue-in-cheek. (Leo)

Guilty pleasure? I don’t feel guilty about pleasure. 

If you had a superpower what would it be? To facilitate meeting the basic needs of every person on the planet. 

Best compliment you’ve ever received? “I fell in love with you because of the kind of mother you are.”

What is your spirit animal? Bear

Want to know more?

Katrina Denza is an Associate Editor for Narrative Magazine and chairs the Writers-in-Residence program for the Weymouth Center for the Arts & Humanities where she also serves on the Board of Directors. Her short stories can be found in REAL: Regarding Arts and Letters, The Jabberwock Review, The Emerson Review, New Delta Review; The MacGuffin, Confrontation, Passages North, wigleaf,and Gargoyle #57, among others. In 2011, she was awarded the Carol Houck Smith Contributor Scholarship for the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference.

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