Welcome to the first of our series on Women We Love. Women that we admire and inspire us.


Brittanee Lee Taylor | Creator

Brittanee is the creator and owner of BeEu, a botanical skin care company. Small batch, pure & simple ingredients - something we can really get behind. We love the way it makes our skin feel so soft and glowing.  When not working on her line of skin care she can be found managing our favorite salon, Exhale...a Salon, creating beautiful chalkboard art and culitvating flowers & veggies in her home garden. Brittanee's complete line is available in store and online at PATRICIA as well as at Exhale...a Salon.

We caught up with her this July to ask her a few of our favorite questions...

Wine or Beer?
—Wine - who doesn’t love a glass of antioxidants?

Who do you admire most?
—My mother - She honestly has the energy and stamina and willpower of a superhuman.

Favorite quote?
—We have done so much, with so little, for so long...that now we can do anything with nothing, forever.

What is your favorite piece of clothing at the moment?
—Currently obsessed with floral wrap dresses

Of all time?
—A pair of Levi’s I bought in 2001 that have been worn to pieces. Both knees have worn holes, and the crotch finally busted - but these are by far are my favorites - they have been all over the world and to this day fit like a dream.

Coffee order?
—Iced Americano with Carmel sauce and a splash of coconut or almond milk. My daily routine is grinding whole beans from Cactus Creek and a simple pour over, black. Looove my coffee.

Any advice you can give to others about starting your own business?
—Keep doing what you love, and remember it doesn’t happen overnight; take your time and trust your gut.

What do you want to be when you grow up?
—Happy. Preferably surrounded by my future dog pack, and living by wildflowers and a big herb and vegetable garden with my P.IC. / love of my life, Jemie

3 items always in your bag?
—A pilot pen, lipgloss, and a silk scarf 

What would you never wear?
—Ski boots. I have never been able to adapt to the ski boot, and it is by far the most uncomfortable thing I can think to wear.


Favorite cocktail?
—Lulu’s Margarita - The Gazebo on Nantucket (I was a bartender for 4 summer seasons there, and that was my favorite to make, you’ve got to get the lime and agave juuust right.) Delicious!

Guilty pleasure?

What is your spirit animal?

Best compliment you’ve ever received?
—A retired chiropractor who was a regular at the pool I was a lifeguard at in college once told me he could see auras. Obviously I asked him the color of mine, he asked, “do you know what pastels do to other colors? When a pastel color is next to a color, it brings out the vibrancy of that color, enhancing it, making it bright.
You have pastel yellows, greens, and blues...”
Basically, he told me that I bring out the best in others. It was a random, but stuck with me, a compliment that I'll probably remember for life!


BeEu available at PATRICIA

 We suggest you follow Brittanee and BeEu on Instagram...you won't be disappointed!



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