September brings many transitions. The changing light, the leaves, crisp air in the morning. The first hints of fall are all around us. Fall, my favorite time of year. Not only can I wear sweaters and layer up my clothes with reckless abandon, but it also means a change in routines. A time to slow down. This past weekend I received the Sunday Slowdown from Alisa Barry. It's one of my favorite emails to open on Sunday morning while drinking my coffee. Her message this week really hit home. I thought it worth sharing, at least a small part.


"As fall promises to arrive, and starts to signal the nearing of the end of the year, it may be a good time to pause and ask yourself if how you are living is aligned with how you want to be living.
This is your “note to self.” A reminder to keep the conversation in the forefront of your mind. To do more of the things that feed your soul. Life is a daily practice. Choose wisely and always with love. 
For yourself first and foremost." Alisa Barry
_______ 11 WAYS TO LIVE AN INSPIRED LIFE _______
1.  Say “YES” to one big thing you'd love to do but have been afraid to do.  You'll know what it is when it arrives, because it will make you want to run like hell in the other direction.  Not because you don't want it, but because you do.  Allow your self the chance to explore and expand out of your usual comfortable cocoon.  The confidence and satisfaction you'll feel for having done it, whatever the outcome, will be reason enough to be glad you did.
2. Take notice of nature.  How often do you ignore the sights and sounds of what is in front of you?  When you step outside your house today, open your eyes to the sky, feel your feet on the earth, breathe in the ethers of the air.
3. Get out of your head and into your feet.  Whether you're dancing alone in your own room, in community or just enjoying a momentary abandonment of your self -consciousness in pure physical play, moving our bodies is a liberating way to let go of the habitual mind games we play with ourselves. Freedom at its finest. Here's a PLAYLIST I made to get you into the groove.
4. Give yourself permission to do something different.  We don't always have to be and do what we and others expect of ourselves.  Dare yourself to do something you haven't done before. No need to make it an effort.  It's often the simple things that surprise and satisfy us unexpectedly.
5. Go see some art.   The more unexpected and unusual the better.  When we can learn to be open to anything, our perspective changes about what we know our world to be.  
6. Eat good food.  Life is too short to eat crap.  You'll look better and feel better but also learn how to enjoy the pure pleasure of eating a sensuous sumptuous meal that will nourish you from the inside out.  
7. Less is more and enough is enough.   Whether it's the clothes you wear, the food you buy or the life you live, make it a question of quality, not quantity.  Over consumption  and a plate too full will only give you indigestion.
8. Lighten up! How and when did we learn to be so hard on ourselves and others?  Let go and learn how to enjoy life.   You can be inspiration for joy.
9. Trust your intuition.  It is god acting on your best behalf.  So when you get that nudge, follow it home to where you need to go. Hesitate, and the moment is lost, the gift is gone.  
10. Believe in beauty.  See beyond the surface. It's a mindset that elevates the everyday, transforming the mundane into something meaningful. When we cultivate this belief, we allow beauty to nourish our souls, inspire our creativity, and connect us more deeply with the world around us.
11.  Love more. Yes, love is complicated and can be heartbreaking at times. It's also liberating and allows us to really feel our hearts in this heady world. Dare to love freely.  Start with yourself. Love is all. Love is everything.
You can sign up for the Sunday slowdown on her website
I hope you enjoy and are inspired to reflect, as I was.


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